Harvard graphics
graphics, tool
A presentation graphics product by Software Publishing Corporation (SPC) for creating presentations, speeches, slides, etc..
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- Harvard mark ii machine
computer, history A relay-based computer designed and built by Howard Aiken, with support from IBM, for the United States Navy’s Naval Proving Ground, between 1942 – 1947. The Harvard Mark II was the second in a series of four electro-mechanical computers that were forerunners of the ENIAC. Harvard machines (http://hoc.co.umist.ac.uk/storylines/compdev/electromechanical/harvardmarkmachines.html). (2003-09-13)
- Harve
[hahrv] /hɑrv/ noun 1. a male given name, form of .
- Harvest
[hahr-vist] /ˈhɑr vɪst/ noun 1. Also, harvesting. the gathering of crops. 2. the season when ripened crops are gathered. 3. a crop or yield of one growing season. 4. a supply of anything gathered at maturity and stored: a harvest of wheat. 5. the result or consequence of any act, process, or event: The journey […]
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[hahr-vist] /ˈhɑr vɪst/ noun 1. Also, harvesting. the gathering of crops. 2. the season when ripened crops are gathered. 3. a crop or yield of one growing season. 4. a supply of anything gathered at maturity and stored: a harvest of wheat. 5. the result or consequence of any act, process, or event: The journey […]
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