
[hur-nee-uh] /ˈhɜr ni ə/

noun, plural hernias, herniae
[hur-nee-ee] /ˈhɜr niˌi/ (Show IPA). Pathology.
the protrusion of an organ or tissue through an opening in its surrounding walls, especially in the abdominal region.
noun (pl) -nias, -niae (-nɪˌiː)
the projection of an organ or part through the lining of the cavity in which it is normally situated, esp the protrusion of intestine through the front wall of the abdominal cavity. It is caused by muscular strain, injury, etc Also called rupture

late 14c., hirnia, from Latin hernia “a rupture,” related to hira “intestine,” PIE *ghere- “gut, entrail” (see yarn). The re-Latinized spelling is from 17c. Related: Herniated (1879).

hernia her·ni·a (hûr’nē-ə)
n. pl. her·ni·as
The protrusion of an organ or other bodily structure through the wall that normally contains it.
her’ni·al adj.
A condition in which an organ or body part, such as the intestine, protrudes through an opening in the body structure that normally contains it.
hernia [(hur-nee-uh)]

The projection of an organ or part of an organ through the wall of the structure that surrounds it. Most often, the term is applied to the protrusion of a part of the intestine that can be observed as a lump in the lower abdomen.

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