Home sitter
house sitter, a person who cares for a home while the occupant is away; also written homesitter
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[hoh-muh-krohm, hom-uh-] /ˈhoʊ məˌkroʊm, ˈhɒm ə-/ adjective 1. .
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[hoh-muh-kroh-muh s, hom-uh-] /ˌhoʊ məˈkroʊ məs, ˌhɒm ə-/ adjective, Botany, Zoology. 1. being all of one color, as a composite flower or flower head. /ˌhəʊməˈkrəʊməs; ˌhɒm-/ adjective 1. (esp of plant parts) of only one colour
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[hoh-mok-ruh-nuh s, ho-] /hoʊˈmɒk rə nəs, hɒ-/ adjective 1. (of a genetic character) occurring at the same age or period in the offspring as in the parent.
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homocladic anastomosis ho·mo·clad·ic anastomosis (hō’mə-klād’ĭk) n. A surgical connection between branches of an artery.
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[hoh-muh-sahy-klik, -sik-lik, hom-uh-] /ˌhoʊ məˈsaɪ klɪk, -ˈsɪk lɪk, ˌhɒm ə-/ adjective, Chemistry. 1. of or noting a compound having atoms of only one element, usually carbon, in the ring (contrasted with ). /ˌhəʊməʊˈsaɪklɪk; -ˈsɪk-; ˌhɒm-/ adjective 1. (of an organic compound) containing a closed ring of atoms of the same kind, esp carbon atoms Compare […]