[hohm-sted, -stid] /ˈhoʊm stɛd, -stɪd/
a dwelling with its land and buildings, occupied by the owner as a home and exempted by a from seizure or sale for debt.
any dwelling with its land and buildings where a family makes its home.
a tract of land acquired under the Homestead Act.
a house in an urban area acquired under a homesteading program.
verb (used with object)
to acquire or settle on (land) as a homestead:
Pioneers homesteaded the valley.
verb (used without object)
to acquire or settle on a homestead:
They homesteaded many years ago.
[hohm-sted, -stid] /ˈhoʊm stɛd, -stɪd/
a town in S Florida.
/ˈhəʊmˌstɛd; -stɪd/
a house or estate and the adjoining land, buildings, etc, esp a farm
(in the US) a house and adjoining land designated by the owner as his fixed residence and exempt under the homestead laws from seizure and forced sale for debts
(in western Canada) a piece of land, usually 160 acres, granted to a settler by the federal government
(Austral & NZ) the owner’s or manager’s residence on a sheep or cattle station; in New Zealand the term includes all outbuildings
Old English hamstede “home, town, village,” from home (n.) + stead (q.v.). In U.S. usage, “a lot of land adequate for the maintenance of a family” (1690s), defined by the Homestead Act of 1862 as 160 acres. Hence, the verb, first recorded 1872. Homesteader also is from 1872.
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- Homesteaded
[hohm-sted, -stid] /ˈhoʊm stɛd, -stɪd/ noun 1. a dwelling with its land and buildings, occupied by the owner as a home and exempted by a from seizure or sale for debt. 2. any dwelling with its land and buildings where a family makes its home. 3. a tract of land acquired under the Homestead Act. […]
- Homesteader
[hohm-sted-er] /ˈhoʊmˌstɛd ər/ noun 1. the owner or holder of a . 2. a settler under the Homestead Act. /ˈhəʊmˌstɛdə/ noun 1. a person owning a homestead 2. (US & Canadian) a person who acquires or possesses land under a homestead law 3. a person taking part in a homesteading scheme
- Homesteading
[hohm-sted-ing] /ˈhoʊmˌstɛd ɪŋ/ noun 1. an act or instance of establishing a . 2. Also called homesteading program, urban homesteading. a federal program to improve deteriorating urban areas by offering abandoned or foreclosed houses to persons who agree to repair them and live in them for a specified number of years. [hohm-sted, -stid] /ˈhoʊm stɛd, […]
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