
[huhd-l] /ˈhʌd l/

verb (used without object), huddled, huddling.
to gather or crowd together in a close mass.
to crouch, curl up, or draw oneself together.
Football. to get together in a huddle.
to confer or consult; meet to discuss, exchange ideas, or make a decision.
verb (used with object), huddled, huddling.
to heap or crowd together closely.
to draw (oneself) closely together, as in crouching; nestle (often followed by up).
Chiefly British. to do hastily and carelessly (often followed by up, over, or together).
to put on (clothes) with careless haste (often followed by on).
a closely gathered group, mass, or heap; bunch.
Football. a gathering of the offensive team in a close circle or line behind the line of scrimmage for instructions, signals, etc., from the team captain or quarterback, usually held before each offensive play.
a conference, or consultation, especially a private meeting to discuss serious matters:
The labor representatives have been in a huddle for two hours.
confusion or disorder.
a heaped or crowded mass of people or things
(informal) a private or impromptu conference (esp in the phrase go into a huddle)
to crowd or cause to crowd or nestle closely together
(often foll by up) to draw or hunch (oneself), as through cold
(intransitive) (informal) to meet and confer privately
(transitive) (mainly Brit) to do (something) in a careless way
(transitive) (rare) to put on (clothes) hurriedly

1570s, “to heap or crowd together,” probably from Low German hudern “to cover, to shelter,” from Middle Low German huden “to cover up,” from Proto-Germanic *hud- (see hide (v.)). Cf. also Middle English hoderen “heap together, huddle” (c.1300). Related: Huddled; huddling. The noun is from 1580s. U.S. football sense is from 1928.


A conference; closed and intense discussion: He went into a huddle with his aides


: We’ll have to huddle on that one

[1929+; fr the huddle, esp of the offensive team, before most plays in football]
see: go into a huddle

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