[id-ee-uh-see] /ˈɪd i ə si/
noun, plural idiocies.
utterly senseless or foolish behavior; a stupid or foolish act, statement, etc.:
All this talk of zombies coming to attack us is pure idiocy.
Psychology. (no longer in technical use; considered offensive) the state of being an .
noun (pl) -cies
(not in technical usage) severe mental retardation
foolishness or senselessness; stupidity
a foolish act or remark
1520s, from idiot on model of prophecy, etc. Early alternatives included idiotacy (1580s), idiotry (1590s).
idiocy id·i·o·cy (ĭd’ē-ə-sē)
The state or condition of being an idiot; profound mental retardation.
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