
leprid lep·rid (lěp’rĭd)
A skin lesion that is characteristic of leprosy.

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    [le-proh-muh] /lɛˈproʊ mə/ noun, plural lepromas, lepromata [le-proh-muh-tuh] /lɛˈproʊ mə tə/ (Show IPA). Pathology. 1. the swollen lesion of leprosy. lepromatous lep·ro·ma·tous (lě-prō’mə-təs, -prŏm’ə-) adj. Relating to, characterized, or affected with lepromas. leproma lep·ro·ma (lě-prō’mə) n. pl. lep·ro·mas or lep·ro·ma·ta (-mə-tə) A circumscribed, discrete nodular skin lesion characteristic of leprosy.

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