[loo-muh-nuh ns] /ˈlu mə nəns/
the state or quality of being .
Also called luminosity. the quality or condition of radiating or reflecting light:
the blinding luminance of the sun.
Optics. the quantitative measure of brightness of a light source or an illuminated surface, equal to per unit solid angle emitted per unit projected area of the source or surface.
a state or quality of radiating or reflecting light
a measure (in candelas per square metre) of the brightness of a point on a surface that is radiating or reflecting light. It is the luminous intensity in a given direction of a small element of surface area divided by the orthogonal projection of this area onto a plane at right angles to the direction L
“luminousness,” 1862, from Latin luminantem (nominative luminans), present participle of luminare (see luminary).
The luminous intensity of a light source per unit area. Occasionally the lambert unit is used to measure luminance. Also called photometric brightness.
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