
[lahy-kan-thruh-pee] /laɪˈkæn θrə pi/

a delusion in which one imagines oneself to be a wolf or other wild animal.
the supposed or fabled assumption of the appearance of a wolf by a human being.
the supposed magical transformation of a person into a wolf
(psychiatry) a delusion in which a person believes that he is a wolf

1580s, a form of madness (described by ancient writers) in which the afflicted thought he was a wolf, from Greek lykanthropia, from lykanthropos “wolf-man,” from lykos “wolf” (see wolf (n.)) + anthropos “man” (see anthropo-). Originally a form of madness (described by ancient writers) in which the afflicted thought he was a wolf; applied to actual transformations of persons (especially witches) into wolves since 1830 (see werewolf).

lycanthropy ly·can·thro·py (lī-kān’thrə-pē)
The delusion that one is a wolf.

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