
[muhn-dl-uh] /ˈmʌn dl ə/

Oriental Art. a schematized representation of the cosmos, chiefly characterized by a concentric configuration of geometric shapes, each of which contains an image of a deity or an attribute of a deity.
(in Jungian psychology) a symbol representing the effort to reunify the self.
/ˈmændələ; mænˈdɑːlə/
(Hindu & Buddhist art) any of various designs symbolizing the universe, usually circular
(psychol) such a symbol expressing a person’s striving for unity of the self

magic circle, 1859, from Sanskrit mandala “disc, circle.”
A system based on Concurrent Prolog, developed at ICOT, Japan.
[“Mandala: A Logic Based Knowledge Programming System”, K. Furukawa et al, Intl Conf 5th Gen Comp Sys 1984].

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