Marquise de pompadour

[pom-puh-dawr, -dohr, -doo r; French pawn-pa-door] /ˈpɒm pəˌdɔr, -ˌdoʊr, -ˌdʊər; French pɔ̃ paˈdur/

Marquise de (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson Le Normant d’Étioles) 1721–64, mistress of Louis XV of France.
an early 18th-century hairstyle for women, having the front hair arranged over a pad to give it greater height and bulk
/French pɔ̃padur/
Marquise de, title of Jeanne Antoinette Poisson. 1721–64, mistress of Louis XV of France (1745–64), whom she greatly influenced

1887 as a men’s hairstyle; 1899 as a woman’s style with the hair swept up over the forehead, in recognition of Jeanne-Antionette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour (1721-1764), mistress of Louis XV from 1745-50, who wore her hair in an upswept style. Used in her lifetime in reference to various fashions, accessories, colors, furniture, etc. The estate of Pompadour is in the Limousin region.

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