[met-uh-loj-ik] /ˈmɛt əˌlɒdʒ ɪk/
the logical analysis of the fundamental concepts of .
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- Metal-oxide-semiconductor
noun, Electronics. 1. a three-layer sandwich of a metal, an insulator (usually an oxide of the substrate), and a semiconductor substrate, used in integrated circuits. Abbreviation: MOS.
- Metal paste-up
noun, Printing. 1. a method for making up a form for printing in which engravings mounted on blocks are positioned on and pasted to a metal base.
- Metalsmith
[met-l-smith] /ˈmɛt lˌsmɪθ/ noun 1. a person skilled in making articles of metal.
- Metal spraying
noun 1. a process in which a layer of one metal is sprayed onto another in the molten state
- Metal-tape
noun 1. a high-performance recording tape having a magnetic metal-particle coating that is not an oxide. noun 1. a magnetic recording tape coated with pure iron rather than iron oxide or chromedioxide: it gives enhanced recording quality