(in postmodernist literary theory) a narrative about a narrative or narratives
any story told to justify another story, esp. involving artifice; a story about oneself that provides a view of one’s experiences
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[met-uh-nef-ros] /ˌmɛt əˈnɛf rɒs/ noun, plural metanephroi [met-uh-nef-roi] /ˌmɛt əˈnɛf rɔɪ/ (Show IPA). Embryology. 1. one of the three embryonic excretory organs of higher vertebrates, becoming the permanent and functional kidney. /ˌmɛtəˈnɛfrɒs/ noun (pl) -roi (-rɔɪ) 1. the last-formed posterior part of the embryonic kidney in reptiles, birds, and mammals, which remains functional in the […]
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[met-uh-nef-ros] /ˌmɛt əˈnɛf rɒs/ noun, plural metanephroi [met-uh-nef-roi] /ˌmɛt əˈnɛf rɔɪ/ (Show IPA). Embryology. 1. one of the three embryonic excretory organs of higher vertebrates, becoming the permanent and functional kidney. /ˌmɛtəˈnɛfrɒs/ noun (pl) -roi (-rɔɪ) 1. the last-formed posterior part of the embryonic kidney in reptiles, birds, and mammals, which remains functional in the […]