
[jool-yuh n] /ˈdʒul yən/

of, relating to, or characteristic of .
/ˈdʒuːljən; -lɪən/
known as Julian the Apostate; Latin name Flavius Claudius Julianus. 331–363 ad, Roman emperor (361–363), who attempted to revive paganism in the Roman empire while remaining tolerant to Christians and Jews
/ˈdʒuːljən; -lɪən/
of or relating to Julius Caesar
denoting or relating to the Julian calendar

“old style” calendar, 1590s, in reference to reforms by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.E. (see Julius). The masc. proper name is from Latin Iulianus, from Iulius.
American physician noted for developing cortisone and also physostigmine, a drug used to treat glaucoma and memory loss.

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