
[neym] /neɪm/

a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.
mere designation, as distinguished from fact:
He was a king in name only.
an appellation, title, or epithet, applied descriptively, in honor, abuse, etc.
a reputation of a particular kind given by common opinion:
to protect one’s good name.
a distinguished, famous, or great reputation; fame:
to make a name for oneself.
a widely known or famous person; celebrity:
She’s a name in show business.
an unpleasant or derogatory appellation or expression:
Don’t call your brother names! Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
a personal or as exercising influence or bringing distinction:
With that name they can get a loan at any bank in town.
a body of persons grouped under one name, as a family or clan.
the verbal or other symbolic representation of a thing, event, property, relation, or concept.
(initial capital letter) a symbol or vehicle of divinity:
to take the Name in vain; the power of the Name.
verb (used with object), named, naming.
to give a name to:
to name a baby.
to accuse:
He was named as the thief.
to call by an epithet:
They named her speedy.
to identify, specify, or mention by name:
Three persons were named in the report.
to designate for some duty or office; nominate or appoint:
I have named you for the position.
to specify; suggest:
Name a price.
to give the name of:
Can you name the capital of Ohio?
to speak of.
British. (in the House of Commons) to cite (a member) for contempt.
famous; widely known:
a name author.
designed for or carrying a name.
giving its name or title to a collection or anthology containing it:
the name piece.
by name,

call names, to scold or speak abusively of or to a person:
Better not to call names unless one is larger and considerably stronger than one’s adversary.
in the name of,

name names, to specify people by name, especially those who have been accomplices in a misdeed:
The witness in the bribery investigation threatened to name names.
to one’s name, in one’s possession:
I haven’t a penny to my name.
a word or term by which a person or thing is commonly and distinctively known related adjective nominal
mere outward appearance or form as opposed to fact (esp in the phrase in name): he was a ruler in name only
a word, title, or phrase descriptive of character, usually abusive or derogatory: to call a person names
reputation, esp, if unspecified, good reputation: he’s made quite a name for himself

a member of Lloyd’s who provides part of the capital of a syndicate and shares in its profits or losses but does not arrange its business
in the name of, under the name of, using as a name
in the name of

know by name, to have heard of without having met
name of the game

to one’s name, belonging to one: I haven’t a penny to my name
verb (transitive)
to give a name to; call by a name: she named the child Edward
to refer to by name; cite: he named three French poets
to determine, fix, or specify: they have named a date for the meeting
to appoint to or cite for a particular title, honour, or duty; nominate: he was named Journalist of the Year
to ban (an MP) from the House of Commons by mentioning him formally by name as being guilty of disorderly conduct
name and shame, to reveal the identity of a person or organization guilty of illegal or unacceptable behaviour in order to embarrass them into not repeating the offence
name names, to cite people, esp in order to blame or accuse them
name the day, to choose the day for one’s wedding
you name it, whatever you need, mention, etc

Old English nama, noma “name, reputation,” from Proto-Germanic *namon (cf. Old Saxon namo, Old Frisian nama, Old High German namo, German Name, Middle Dutch name, Dutch naam, Old Norse nafn, Gothic namo “name”), from PIE *nomn- (cf. Sanskrit nama; Avestan nama; Greek onoma, onyma; Latin nomen; Old Church Slavonic ime, genitive imene; Russian imya; Old Irish ainm; Old Welsh anu “name”).

Meaning “famous person” is from 1610s. Meaning “one’s reputation” is from c.1300. As a modifier meaning “well-known,” first attested 1938. Name brand is from 1944; name-calling attested from 1846; name-dropper first recorded 1947. name-tag is from 1903; name-child attested from 1845. The name of the game “the essential thing or quality” is from 1966; to have one’s name in lights “be a famous performer” is from 1929.

He who once a good name gets,
May piss a bed, and say he sweats.

[“Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit and Pickpocket Eloquence,” London, 1811]


Old English namian “to name, call; nominate, appoint,” from source of name (n.). Related: Named; naming.


Being well known or prestigious: a name band/ name brand (1938+)


A very important person, esp in entertainment; headliner: I saw three or four names there/ He’s a name in the carpet business (1611+)

Related Terms

big name, what’s-his-name, you name it
Name Daemon. networking
A Unix background process that converts hostnames to Internet addresses for the TCP/IP protocol.
Unix manual page: named(8).
See also DNS.
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts

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