
[in-struhk-shuh n] /ɪnˈstrʌk ʃən/

the act or practice of or teaching; education.
knowledge or information imparted.
an item of such knowledge or information.
Usually, instructions. orders or directions:
The instructions are on the back of the box.
the act of furnishing with authoritative directions.
Computers. a command given to a computer to carry out a particular operation.
a direction; order
the process or act of imparting knowledge; teaching; education
(computing) a part of a program consisting of a coded command to the computer to perform a specified function

c.1400, instruccioun, “action or process of teaching,” from Old French instruccion (14c.), from Latin instructionem (nominative instructio) “building, arrangement, teaching,” from past participle stem of instruere “arrange, inform, teach,” from in- “on” (see in- (2)) + struere “to pile, build” (see structure (n.)). Meaning “an authoritative direction telling someone what to do; a document giving such directions,” is early 15c. Related: Instructions.
A sequence of bits that tells a computer’s central processing unit to perform a particular operation. An instruction can also contain data to be used in the operation.

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