
[ree-pruh-doos, -dyoos] /ˌri prəˈdus, -ˈdyus/

verb (used with object), reproduced, reproducing.
to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of:
to reproduce a picture.
to again or anew by natural process:
to reproduce a severed branch.
Biology. to one or more other individuals of (a given kind of organism) by some process of generation or propagation, sexual or asexual.
to cause or foster the of (organisms).
to , form, make, or bring about again or anew in any manner.
to recall to the mind or have a mental image of (a past incident, scene, etc.), as by the aid of memory or imagination.
to again, as a play at an earlier time.
verb (used without object), reproduced, reproducing.
to reproduce its kind, as an organism; propagate; bear offspring.
to turn out in a given manner when copied:
This picture will reproduce well.
verb (mainly transitive)
to make a copy, representation, or imitation of; duplicate
(also intransitive) (biology) to undergo or cause to undergo a process of reproduction
to produce or exhibit again
to bring back into existence again; re-create
to bring before the mind again (a scene, event, etc) through memory or imagination
(intransitive) to come out (well, badly, etc), when copied
to replace (damaged parts or organs) by a process of natural growth; regenerate
to cause (a sound or television recording) to be heard or seen

1610s, “to produce again,” from re- “again” + produce (v.), probably on model of French reproduire (16c.). Sense of “make a copy” is first recorded 1850; that of “produce offspring” is from 1894. Related: Reproduced; reproducing.

reproduce re·pro·duce (rē’prə-dōōs’, -dyōōs’)
v. re·pro·duced, re·pro·duc·ing, re·pro·duc·es

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