[wosh-i-taw, waw-shi-] /ˈwɒʃ ɪˌtɔ, ˈwɔ ʃɪ-/
noun, plural Ouachitas (especially collectively) Ouachita for 2.
a river flowing SE from W Arkansas through NE Louisiana to the Red River. 605 miles (975 km) long.
a member of a former North American Indian tribe, apparently of the Caddoan stock, of NE Louisiana.
a river in the S central US, rising in the Ouachita Mountains and flowing east, south, and southeast into the Red River in E Louisiana. Length: 974 km (605 miles)
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plural noun 1. a range extending from SE Oklahoma to W Arkansas.
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[oo-bahn-gee] /u bɑ̃ˈgi/ noun 1. French name of .