
[oh-vuh-ree] /ˈoʊ və ri/

noun, plural ovaries.
Anatomy, Zoology. the female gonad or reproductive gland, in which the ova and the hormones that regulate female secondary sex characteristics develop.
Botany. the enlarged lower part of the pistil in angiospermous plants, enclosing the ovules or young seeds.
noun (pl) -ries
either of the two female reproductive organs, which produce ova and secrete oestrogen hormones
the corresponding organ in vertebrate and invertebrate animals
(botany) the hollow basal region of a carpel containing one or more ovules. In some plants the carpels are united to form a single compound ovary

1650s, from Modern Latin ovarium “ovary” (16c.), from Medieval Latin ovaria “the ovary of a bird” (13c.), from Latin ovum “egg,” from PIE *owyo-/*oyyo- “egg” (see egg (n.)). In classical Latin, ovarius meant “egg-keeper.”

ovary o·va·ry (ō’və-rē)
One of the paired female reproductive organs that produce ova and certain sex hormones, including estrogen. Also called oophoron.
o·var’i·an (ō-vâr’ē-ən) adj.

ovarian adjective (ō-vâr’ē-ən)

sing. ovary

The paired organs in the female reproductive system that produce ova and release certain hormones, such as estrogen.

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