
pickup and delivery.

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  • Pudding

    noun 1. a thick, soft dessert, typically containing flour or some other thickener, milk, eggs, a flavoring, and sweetener: tapioca pudding. 2. a similar dish unsweetened and served with or as a main dish: corn pudding. 3. British. the dessert course of a meal. 4. Nautical. a pad or fender for preventing scraping or chafing […]

  • Pudding club

    noun 1. (slang) the state of being pregnant (esp in the phrase in the pudding club)

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    [poo d-ing-pahyp] /ˈpʊd ɪŋˌpaɪp/ noun 1. golden shower.

  • Pudding-stone

    noun, British Geology. 1. conglomerate (def 3). pudding stone noun 1. a conglomerate rock in which there is a difference in colour or composition between the pebbles and the matrix

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