a leg of a pair of pants.
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- Panto
[pan-toh] /ˈpæn toʊ/ noun, plural pantos. British. 1. (def 2). 1. a combining form synonymous with pan-: pantology. /ˈpæntəʊ/ noun (pl) -tos 1. (Brit, informal) short for pantomime (sense 1) combining form 1. all: pantisocracy, pantofle, pantograph, pantomime
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[pan-tuh-fuh l, pan-tof-uh l, -toh-fuh l, -too-] /ˈpæn tə fəl, pænˈtɒf əl, -ˈtoʊ fəl, -ˈtu-/ noun 1. a slipper. 2. a cork-soled patten covering the forepart of the foot, worn in the 16th century. /pænˈtɒfəl/ noun 1. (archaic) a kind of slipper
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[pan-tuh-fuh l, pan-tof-uh l, -toh-fuh l, -too-] /ˈpæn tə fəl, pænˈtɒf əl, -ˈtoʊ fəl, -ˈtu-/ noun 1. a slipper. 2. a cork-soled patten covering the forepart of the foot, worn in the 16th century. /pænˈtɒfəl/ noun 1. (archaic) a kind of slipper
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[pan-tuh-graf, -grahf] /ˈpæn təˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf/ noun 1. Also, pantagraph. an instrument for the mechanical copying of plans, diagrams, etc., on any desired scale. 2. Electricity. a device usually consisting of two parallel, hinged, double-diamond frames, for transferring current from an overhead wire to a vehicle, as a trolley car or electric locomotive. /ˈpæntəˌɡrɑːf/ noun 1. […]
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[pan-tol-uh-jee] /pænˈtɒl ə dʒi/ noun 1. a systematic view of all human knowledge.