a late entry, as a horse in a horse show or race.
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[poh-ster] /ˈpoʊ stər/ noun 1. a placard or bill or intended for in a public place, as for advertising. 2. a person who bills, placards, etc. 3. Digital Technology. a person who posts or submits an online message to a message board: The previous poster in this thread was off-topic. [poh-ster] /ˈpoʊ stər/ noun 1. […]
- Poster boy
noun 1. a person who appears on a poster 2. a person who typifies or represents a particular characteristic, cause, opinion, etc: a poster girl for late motherhood noun phrase Someone given prominence in a certain cause: The Bible-thumpers portray Col. North as the poster boy for the religious right/ Mary Matalin, for all her […]
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noun 1. .
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[po-steer-ee-ad, poh-] /pɒˈstɪər iˌæd, poʊ-/ adverb, Anatomy, Zoology. 1. toward the ; posteriorly.
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[pohst re-stahnt or, esp. British, res-tahnt; French pawst res-tahnt] /ˌpoʊst rɛˈstɑnt or, esp. British, ˈrɛs tɑnt; French pɔst rɛsˈtɑ̃t/ noun 1. a direction written on mail to indicate that it should be held at the post office until called for by the addressee. 2. Chiefly British. a department in charge of such mail. /ˈpəʊst rɪˈstænt; […]