[en-sef-uh-lahy-tis] /ɛnˌsɛf əˈlaɪ tɪs/
noun, Pathology.
inflammation of the substance of the brain.
Also called encephalitis lethargica
[li-thahr-ji-kuh] /lɪˈθɑr dʒɪ kə/ (Show IPA). a form of this condition, caused by a filterable virus and characterized by apathy and abnormal sleepiness; sleeping sickness.
/ˌɛnsɛfəˈlaɪtɪs; ˌɛnkɛf-/
inflammation of the brain
1843, from medical Latin encephalon (from Greek enkephalos “brain,” literally “within the head,” from en “in” + kephale “head;” see cephalo-) + -itis.
encephalitis en·ceph·a·li·tis (ěn-sěf’ə-lī’tĭs)
n. pl. en·ceph·a·lit·i·des (-lĭt’ĭ-dēz)
Inflammation of the brain. Also called cephalitis.
en·ceph’a·lit’ic (-lĭt’ĭk) adj.
Inflammation of the brain, usually caused by infection with a virus.
encephalitis [(en-sef-uh-leye-tis)]
An inflammation of the brain. Encephalitis may be caused by a virus or lead poisoning, or it may be a complication of another disease, such as influenza or measles. Encephalitis can cause permanent brain damage or death. It is also possible, however, to recover from it completely.
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