
[sahy-koh-ther-uh-pee] /ˌsaɪ koʊˈθɛr ə pi/
noun, plural psychotherapies.
the treatment of psychological disorders or maladjustments by a professional technique, as psychoanalysis, group therapy, or behavioral therapy.
the treatment of nervous disorders by psychological methods

psychotherapy psy·cho·ther·a·py (sī’kō-thěr’ə-pē)
The treatment of mental and emotional disorders through the use of psychological techniques designed to encourage communication of conflicts and insight into problems, with the goal being personality growth and behavior modification. Also called psychotherapeutics.
psy’cho·ther’a·peu’tic (-pyōō’tĭk) adj.

psychotherapy definition

The use of the techniques of psychology or psychiatry or both to treat mental and emotional disorders. The term includes psychoanalysis, as well as other forms of psychological therapy.

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