proprietary: used to denote a private limited company
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ptyalagogue pty·al·a·gogue (tī-āl’ə-gŏg’) n. See sialagogue.
- Ptyalectasis
[tahy-uh-lek-tuh-sis] /ˌtaɪ əˈlɛk tə sɪs/ noun, plural ptyalectases [tahy-uh-lek-tuh-seez] /ˌtaɪ əˈlɛk təˌsiz/ (Show IPA) 1. spontaneous or surgical dilatation of a salivary duct. ptyalectasis pty·a·lec·ta·sis (tī’ə-lěk’tə-sĭs) n. See sialectasis.
- Ptyalin
noun, Biochemistry. 1. an enzyme in the saliva that converts starch into dextrin and maltose. noun 1. (biochem) an amylase secreted in the saliva of man and other animals ptyalin pty·a·lin (tī’ə-lĭn) n. An amylase present in saliva that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin. ptyalin (tī’ə-lĭn) An enzyme found in the […]
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noun, Pathology. 1. excessive secretion of saliva. noun 1. excessive secretion of saliva ptyalism pty·a·lism (tī’ə-lĭz’əm) n. Excessive flow of saliva. Also called hypersalivation, salivation, sialism, sialismus, sialorrhea, sialosis.
- Ptyalo-
ptyalo- or ptyal- pref. Saliva; salivary glands: ptyalocele.