pyocyst py·o·cyst (pī’ə-sĭst’)
A cyst that contains pus.
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/ˌpaɪəʊˈdɜːmə/ noun 1. (pathol) any skin eruption characterized by pustules or the formation of pus pyoderma py·o·der·ma (pī’ə-dûr’mə) n. A pyogenic skin disease. py’o·der’mic adj.
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pyoderma gangrenosum pyoderma gan·gre·no·sum (gāng’grə-nō’səm) n. A chronic skin disease, usually of the trunk, characterized by large spreading ulcers.
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[pahy-uh-jen-uh-sis] /ˌpaɪ əˈdʒɛn ə sɪs/ noun, Pathology. 1. the generation of pus; the process of the formation of pus. /ˌpaɪəʊˈdʒɛnɪsɪs/ noun 1. (pathol) the formation of pus pyogenesis py·o·gen·e·sis (pī’ə-jěn’ĭ-sĭs) n. Formation of pus.
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[pahy-uh-jen-ik] /ˌpaɪ əˈdʒɛn ɪk/ adjective, Pathology. 1. producing or generating pus. 2. attended with or pertaining to the formation of pus. adj. 1840s, from pyogenesis, medical Latin, from pyo- “pus” + genesis. pyogenic py·o·gen·ic (pī’ə-jěn’ĭk) adj.
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pyohemia py·o·he·mi·a (pī’ə-hē’mē-ə) n. See pyemia.