pyopneumopericardium py·o·pneu·mo·per·i·car·di·um (pī’ō-nōō’mō-pěr’ĭ-kär’dē-əm, -nyōō’-)
The presence of pus and gas in the pericardial sac.
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pyopneumoperitoneum py·o·pneu·mo·per·i·to·ne·um (pī’ō-nōō’mō-pěr’ĭ-tn-ē’əm, -nyōō’-) n. The presence of pus and gas in the peritoneal cavity.
- Pyopneumoperitonitis
pyopneumoperitonitis py·o·pneu·mo·per·i·to·ni·tis (pī’ō-nōō’mō-pěr’ĭ-tn-ī’tĭs, -nyōō’-) n. Suppurative peritonitis accompanied by gas produced by gas-forming microorganisms or introduced from a ruptured bowel.
- Pyopneumothorax
pyopneumothorax py·o·pneu·mo·tho·rax (pī’ō-nōō’mō-thôr’āks’, -nyōō’-) n. The presence of gas and pus in the pleural cavity. Also called pneumopyothorax.
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pyopoietic py·o·poi·et·ic (pī’ō-poi-ět’ĭk) adj. Producing pus.
- Pyoptysis
pyoptysis py·op·ty·sis (pī-ŏp’tĭ-sĭs) n. The spitting of pus.