pyosalpinx py·o·sal·pinx (pī’ə-sāl’pĭngks)
Distention of a fallopian tube with pus.
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[pahy-oh-sis] /paɪˈoʊ sɪs/ noun, Pathology. 1. the formation of pus; suppuration. /paɪˈəʊsɪs/ noun 1. (pathol) the formation of pus pyosis py·o·sis (pī-ō’sĭs) n. See suppuration.
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pyostatic py·o·stat·ic (pī’ə-stāt’ĭk) adj. Arresting the formation of pus.
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[pahy-oh-thawr-aks, -thohr-] /ˌpaɪ oʊˈθɔr æks, -ˈθoʊr-/ noun, Pathology. 1. . pyothorax py·o·tho·rax (pī’ə-thôr’āks’) n. Empyema in a plural cavity.
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pyourachus py·o·u·ra·chus (pī’ō-yur’ə-kəs) n. An accumulation of pus in the urachus of a fetus.
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[pahy-oh-yoo-ree-ter] /ˌpaɪ oʊ yʊˈri tər/ noun, Pathology. 1. distention of a with pus. pyoureter py·o·u·re·ter (pī’ō-yu-rē’tər, -yur’ĭ-tər) n. Distention of a ureter with pus.