[med-i-kuh l] /ˈmɛd ɪ kəl/
of or relating to the science or practice of :
medical history; medical treatment.
curative; medicinal; therapeutic:
medical properties.
pertaining to or requiring treatment by other than surgical means.
pertaining to or giving evidence of the state of one’s health:
a medical discharge from the army; a medical examination.
something done or received in regard to the state of one’s health, as a medical examination.
of or relating to the science of medicine or to the treatment of patients by drugs, etc, as opposed to surgery
a less common word for medicinal
(informal) a medical examination
1640s, from French médical, from Late Latin medicalis “of a physician,” from Latin medicus “physician, surgeon, medical man” (n.); “healing, madicinal” (adj.), from mederi “to heal, give medical attention to, cure,” originally “know the best course for,” from an early specialization of the PIE root *med- “to measure, limit, consider, advise, take appropriate measures” (cf. Greek medomai “be mindful of,” medein “to rule;” Avestan vi-mad- “physician;” Latin meditari “think or reflect on, consider;” Irish miduir “judge;” Old English metan “to measure out”); also see meditation. The earlier adjective in English in this sense was medicinal. Related: Medically.
1917, short for medical examination.
medical med·i·cal (měd’ĭ-kəl)
A thorough physical examination.
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