[ri-lij-uh s] /rɪˈlɪdʒ əs/
of, relating to, or concerned with :
a religious holiday.
imbued with or exhibiting ; pious; devout; godly:
a religious man.
scrupulously faithful; conscientious:
religious care.
pertaining to or connected with a monastic or religious order.
appropriate to or to sacred rites or observances.
noun, plural religious.
a member of a religious order, congregation, etc.; a monk, friar, or nun.
the religious, devout or religious persons:
Each year, thousands of the religious make pilgrimages to the shrine.
of, relating to, or concerned with religion
appropriate to or in accordance with the principles of a religion
scrupulous, exact, or conscientious
(Christianity) of or relating to a way of life dedicated to religion by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and defined by a monastic rule
(Christianity) a member of an order or congregation living by such a rule; a monk, friar, or nun
c.1200, “devout, pious, imbued with or expressive of religious devotion,” from Anglo-French religius, Old French religious (12c., Modern French religieux) and directly from Latin religiosus, from religio (see religion). Meaning “pertaining to religion” is from 1530s. Transferred sense of “scrupulous, exact” is recorded from 1590s. Related: Religiousness.
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