[hi-stawr-i-kuh l, -stor-] /hɪˈstɔr ɪ kəl, -ˈstɒr-/
of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of or past events:
historical records; historical research.
based on or reconstructed from an event, custom, style, etc., in the past:
a historical reenactment of the battle of Gettysburg.
having once existed or lived in the real world, as opposed to being part of legend or fiction or as distinguished from religious belief:
to doubt that a historical Camelot ever existed; a theologian’s study of the historical Jesus.
narrated or mentioned in ; belonging to the past.
noting or pertaining to analysis based on a comparison among several periods of development of a phenomenon, as in language or economics.
(def 1).
belonging to or typical of the study of history: historical methods
concerned with or treating of events of the past: historical accounts
based on or constituting factual material as distinct from legend or supposition
based on or inspired by history: a historical novel
occurring or prominent in history
a less common word for historic (sense 1)
early 15c. (earlier in same sense was historial, late 14c.), from Latin historicus (from Greek historikos “historical, of or for inquiry,” from historia; see history) + -al (1). Related: Historically.
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