[rap-ist] /ˈræp ɪst/
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- Rapport
[ra-pawr, -pohr, ruh-] /ræˈpɔr, -ˈpoʊr, rə-/ noun 1. relation; connection, especially harmonious or sympathetic relation: a teacher trying to establish close rapport with students. /ræˈpɔː/ noun 1. (often foll by with) a sympathetic relationship or understanding See also en rapport n. 1660s, “reference, relation, relationship,” from French rapport “bearing, yield, produce; harmony, agreement, intercourse,” back-formation […]
- Rapporteur
[rap-awr-tur; French ra-pawr-tœr] /ˌræp ɔrˈtɜr; French ra pɔrˈtœr/ noun, plural rapporteurs [rap-awr-turz; French ra-pawr-tœr] /ˌræp ɔrˈtɜrz; French ra pɔrˈtœr/ (Show IPA) 1. a person responsible for compiling reports and presenting them, as to a governing body. /ˌræpɔːˈtɜː/ noun 1. a person appointed by a committee to prepare reports of meetings or carry out an investigation […]
- Rapports
[ra-pawr, -pohr, ruh-] /ræˈpɔr, -ˈpoʊr, rə-/ noun 1. relation; connection, especially harmonious or sympathetic relation: a teacher trying to establish close rapport with students. /ræˈpɔː/ noun 1. (often foll by with) a sympathetic relationship or understanding See also en rapport n. 1660s, “reference, relation, relationship,” from French rapport “bearing, yield, produce; harmony, agreement, intercourse,” back-formation […]
- Rapprochement
[rap-rohsh-mahn; French ra-prawsh-mahn] /ˌræp roʊʃˈmɑ̃; French ra prɔʃˈmɑ̃/ noun 1. an establishment or reestablishment of harmonious relations: a rapprochement reached between warring factions. /raprɔʃmɑ̃/ noun 1. a resumption of friendly relations, esp between two countries n. “establishment of cordial relations,” 1809, from French rapprochement “reunion, reconciliation,” literally “a bringing near,” from rapprocher “bring near,” from […]
- Raps
[rap] /ræp/ verb (used with object), rapped, rapping. 1. to strike, especially with a quick, smart, or light blow: He rapped the door with his cane. 2. to utter sharply or vigorously: to rap out a command. 3. (of a spirit summoned by a medium) to communicate (a message) by raps (often followed by out). […]