[chahrt] /tʃɑrt/
a sheet exhibiting information in tabular form.
a graphic representation, as by curves, of a dependent variable, as temperature, price, etc.; graph.
a map, especially a hydrographic or marine map.
an outline map showing special conditions or facts:
a weather chart.
Astrology. (def 1).
Jazz. a musical arrangement.
the charts, ratings of the popularity of popular-music records, usually based on nationwide sales for a given week:
Their album is number three on the charts this week.
verb (used with object)
to make a chart of.
to plan:
to chart a course of action.
Informal. to rank in the charts:
The new song gets charted number four this week.
off the charts, greatly exceeding the general level or average:
Demand for the new phone is off the charts.
Also, off the chart.
a map designed to aid navigation by sea or air
an outline map, esp one on which weather information is plotted
a sheet giving graphical, tabular, or diagrammatical information
another name for graph (sense 1)
(astrology) another word for horoscope (sense 3)
(informal) the charts, the lists produced weekly from various sources of the bestselling pop singles and albums or the most popular videos
(transitive) to make a chart of
(transitive) to make a detailed plan of
(transitive) to plot or outline the course of
(intransitive) (of a record or video) to appear in the charts (sense 6)
1570s, “map for the use of navigators,” from Middle French charte “card, map,” from Late Latin charta “paper, card, map” (see card (n.1)).
Charte is the original form of the French word in all senses, but after 14c. (perhaps by influence of Italian cognate carta), carte began to supplant it. English used both carte and card 15c.-17c. for “chart, map,” and in 17c. chart could mean “playing card,” but the words have gone their separate ways and chart has predominated since in the “map” sense. In the music score sense from 1957.
1837, “to enter onto a map or chart,” from chart (n.). In the commercial recording sense, a reference to appearing on the “Billboard” magazine music popularity chart is by 1961. The chart itself was printed from c.1942. Related: Charted; charting.
chart (chärt)
continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy
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