
verb (used with object)
to withstand, strive against, or oppose:
to resist infection; to resist temptation.
to withstand the action or effect of:
to resist spoilage.
to refrain or abstain from, especially with difficulty or reluctance:
They couldn’t resist the chocolates.
verb (used without object)
to make a stand or make efforts in opposition; act in opposition; offer resistance.
a substance that prevents or inhibits some effect from taking place, as a coating on a surface of a metallic printing plate that prevents or inhibits corrosion of the metal by acid.
Textiles. a chemically inert substance used in resist printing.
to stand firm (against); not yield (to); fight (against)
(transitive) to withstand the deleterious action of; be proof against: to resist corrosion
(transitive) to oppose; refuse to accept or comply with: to resist arrest, to resist the introduction of new technology
(transitive) to refrain from, esp in spite of temptation (esp in the phrases cannot or could not resist (something))
a substance used to protect something, esp a coating that prevents corrosion

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