Alfred, 1893–1946, German Nazi ideologist and political leader, born in Estonia.
Julius, 1918–53, and his wife, Ethel Greenglass
[green-glas,, -glahs] /ˈgrinˌglæs,, -ˌglɑs/ (Show IPA) 1915–53, U.S. citizens executed for passing atomic-bomb secrets to the U.S.S.R.
a town in S Texas.
Contemporary Examples
She cherished her photographs the most: of Rosenberg, Melissa, and Cooper.
Joan Rivers: ‘Death Is Like Plastic Surgery’ Tim Teeman September 3, 2014
Sinclair herself was born in New York in 1948 and raised in Paris, an heiress to Rosenberg’s art fortune.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Anne Sinclair Separation Rumors Swirl Tracy McNicoll July 2, 2012
“This is smart politics for the Democrats,” Rosenberg told The Daily Beast.
Rand Paul = Democrats’ Enemy #1 Olivia Nuzzi August 6, 2014
“I needed to set the Volturi up in a cinematic way so that they stayed in your mind,” Rosenberg says.
Behind the Scenes of New Moon Claire Martin November 19, 2009
See Commentary’s Alana Goodman for a review of Rosenberg’s record.
The Upside Down Attack on Josh Treviño David Frum August 16, 2012
Historical Examples
Mountfort arrives alone, and not knowing Rosenberg engages him to guard Ella, while he goes to seek a conveyance for her.
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Stephen Cullen Carpenter
Mr. Rosenberg was raked fore and aft, but he stuck to his story.
Danger! A True History of a Great City’s Wiles and Temptations William Howe
She had been spending the heated term at a Rosenberg avenue cottage only a short distance from the beach.
The Complete Story of the Galveston Horror Various
Lieutenant Rosenberg, of this city, is now dead, and his widow is pensioned.
The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen Simon Wolf
One of the royal treasures of Denmark is the narwhal throne of the Castle of Rosenberg.
Fictitious & Symbolic Creatures in Art John Vinycomb
Alfred. 1893–1946, German Nazi politician and writer, who devised much of the racial ideology of Nazism: hanged for war crimes
Isaac. 1890–1918, British poet and painter, best known for his poems about life in the trenches during World War I: died in action
Julius. 1918–53, US spy, who, with his wife Ethel (1914–53), was executed for passing information about nuclear weapons to the Russians
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- A.s.a.p.
as soon as possible. abbreviation as soon as possible also asap, pronounced either as a word or as four letters; from initial letters of phrase “as soon as possible,” 1955, originally U.S. Army jargon.
- A.s.e.
. airborne support equipment American Stock Exchange available solar energy
- A.s.p.c.a.
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
- A.s.v.
American Standard Version.
- A.s.w.
Association of Scientific Workers.