sacculocochlear sac·cu·lo·coch·le·ar (sāk’yə-lō-kŏk’lē-ər, -kō’klē-)
Relating to the sacculus and the membranous cochlea.
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[sas-er-doht-l-iz-uh m] /ˌsæs ərˈdoʊt lˌɪz əm/ noun 1. the system, spirit, or methods of the priesthood. 2. Usually Disparaging. priestcraft. sacerdotalism /ˌsæsəˈdəʊtəˌlɪzəm/ noun 1. the principles, methods, etc, of the priesthood 2. the belief that ordained priests are endowed with sacramental and sacrificial powers 3. exaggerated respect for priests 4. (derogatory) power over people’s opinions […]