cordon sanitaire.
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- Sanitary-engineering
noun 1. a branch of civil engineering dealing with matters affecting public health, as water supply or sewage disposal. sanitary engineering noun 1. the branch of civil engineering associated with the supply of water, disposal of sewage, and other public health services
- Sanitary inspector
noun 1. (in Britain) a former name for Environmental Health Officer
- Sanitary-landfill
noun 1. landfill. sanitary landfill (sān’ĭ-těr’ē) See landfill.
- Sanitary-napkin
noun 1. a pad of absorbent material, as cotton, worn by women during menstruation to absorb the uterine flow. sanitary napkin n. A disposable pad of absorbent material worn to absorb menstrual flow.
- Sanitary protection
noun 1. sanitary towels and tampons, collectively