secretor se·cre·tor (sĭ-krē’tər)
A cell, a tissue, or an organ that produces a secretion.
A person whose saliva and other body fluids contain ABO antigens.
Read Also:
- Secretory
adjective 1. pertaining to secretion. 2. performing the process of secretion. noun, plural secretories. 3. a secretory organ, vessel, or the like. adjective 1. of, relating to, or producing a secretion: a secretory cell, secretory function secretory se·cre·to·ry (sĭ-krē’tə-rē) adj. Relating to or performing secretion.
- Secretory carcinoma
secretory carcinoma n. Carcinoma of the breast composed of cells that are highly secretory; it occurs primarily in children.
- Secretory duct
secretory duct n. See salivary duct.
- Secretory nerve
secretory nerve n. A nerve conveying impulses that excite functional activity in a gland.
- Secretory otitis media
secretory otitis media n. Inflammation of the mucosa of the middle ear, often the result of obstruction of the eustachian tube and accompanied by an accumulation of fluid. Also called serous otitis.