noun, plural siliquae
[sil-i-kwee] /ˈsɪl ɪˌkwi/ (Show IPA)
a silver coin of the later Roman Empire, the 24th part of a solidus, first issued by Constantine.
noun (pl) -liquae (-ˈliːkwiː), -liquas, -liques
the long dry dehiscent fruit of cruciferous plants, such as the wallflower, consisting of two compartments separated by a central septum to which the seeds are attached
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noun, Botany. 1. the long two-valved seed vessel or pod of plants belonging to the mustard family. silique (sĭ-lēk’) An elongated dry dehiscent seed pod that is the characteristic fruit of the mustard family. The two sides split off at maturity and leave a central partition to which the seeds are attached.
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adjective 1. bearing siliques. 2. resembling a silique or silicle. siliquose sil·i·quose (sĭl’ĭ-kwōs’) adj. Resembling a long slender pod. Used of a cataract resulting in shriveling of the lens and calcareous deposits in the capsule.
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jargon (Or “Hollywired”) The coming convergence of film, interactive TV and computers. (1999-01-15)
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noun 1. the soft, lustrous fiber obtained as a filament from the cocoon of the silkworm. 2. thread made from this fiber. 3. cloth made from this fiber. 4. a garment of this cloth. 5. a gown of such material worn distinctively by a King’s or Queen’s Counsel at the English bar. 6. silks, the […]