noun, plural simpula
[sim-pyoo-luh] /ˈsɪm pyʊ lə/ (Show IPA)
an ancient dipper having the rim of the bowl at right angles to the handle.
Read Also:
- Simpy
adjective, simpier, simpiest. Slang. 1. of or like a simp.
- Simri
watchman, a Levite of the family of Merari (1 Chr. 26:10).
- Simsbury
noun 1. a town in central Connecticut.
- Simscript
A free-form, English-like general-purpose simulation language produced by Harry Markowitz et al of Rand Corp in 1963. It was implemented as a Fortran preprocessor on IBM 7090 and was designed for large discrete simulations. It influenced Simula. Later versions included SIMSCRIPT I.5 and SIMSCRIPT II.5.
- Simscript i.5
A version of SIMSCRIPT developed at CACI in 1965. It produced assembly language.