
a specialist in the study of the Slavic languages or literatures.

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  • Slavish

    adjective 1. of or befitting a slave: slavish subjection. 2. being or resembling a slave; abjectly submissive: He was slavish in his obedience. 3. base; mean; ignoble: slavish fears. 4. deliberately imitative; lacking originality: a slavish reproduction. adjective 1. of or befitting a slave 2. being or resembling a slave; servile 3. unoriginal; imitative 4. […]

  • Slavishly

    adjective 1. of or befitting a slave: slavish subjection. 2. being or resembling a slave; abjectly submissive: He was slavish in his obedience. 3. base; mean; ignoble: slavish fears. 4. deliberately imitative; lacking originality: a slavish reproduction. adjective 1. of or befitting a slave 2. being or resembling a slave; servile 3. unoriginal; imitative 4. […]

  • Slavishness

    adjective 1. of or befitting a slave: slavish subjection. 2. being or resembling a slave; abjectly submissive: He was slavish in his obedience. 3. base; mean; ignoble: slavish fears. 4. deliberately imitative; lacking originality: a slavish reproduction. adjective 1. of or befitting a slave 2. being or resembling a slave; servile 3. unoriginal; imitative 4. […]

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    noun 1. something that is native to, characteristic of, or associated with the Slavs or Slavic. noun 1. anything characteristic of, peculiar to, or associated with the Slavs or the Slavonic languages

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