Sleaze factor


that part of a situation that is corrupt, sordid, or controversial
Word Origin

sleaze ‘vulgarity’ + factor
sleaze factor
The element in a political party, administration, or other organization that is corrupt, controversial, or tainted by scandal. For example, I can’t see myself making a campaign contribution to them—there’s too much of a sleaze factor. This slangy expression derives from the adjective sleazy, which means “vulgar” or “tawdry.” The idiom was first used in politics in the 1980s.

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    adjective, sleazier, sleaziest. 1. contemptibly low, mean, or disreputable: sleazy politics. 2. squalid; sordid; filthy; dilapidated: a sleazy hotel. 3. thin or poor in texture, as a fabric; cheap; flimsy: a sleazy dress; a sleazy excuse. adjective -zier, -ziest 1. sordid; disreputable: a sleazy nightclub 2. thin or flimsy, as cloth sleaze-bucket

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