
a town in E Mississippi.

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    noun 1. any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night. 2. Astronomy. any of the large, self-luminous, heavenly bodies, as the sun, Polaris, etc. 3. any heavenly body. 4. Astrology. a heavenly body, especially a planet, considered as influencing humankind and events. 5. a person’s […]

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    noun 1. the light emanating from the stars. noun 1. the light emanating from the stars adjective 2. of or like starlight 3. Also starlit (ˈstɑːˌlɪt). illuminated by starlight

  • Starlike

    adjective 1. of the shape of or like a star. 2. shining like a star. 3. Also, star-shaped. Mathematics. (of a set with respect to a point) having the property that the line segment connecting a given point and any other point in a region lies completely within the region.

  • Star-lily

    noun 1. a lily, Lilium concolor, of China, having erect, somewhat fragrant, bright-red flowers.

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