
[strep-toh-buh-sil-uh s] /ˌstrɛp toʊ bəˈsɪl əs/
noun, plural streptobacilli
[strep-toh-buh-sil-ahy] /ˌstrɛp toʊ bəˈsɪl aɪ/ (Show IPA). Bacteriology.
any of various bacilli that form in chains.
any of the Gram-negative bacteria of the genus Streptobacillus, common in rat saliva and a cause of ratbite fever.

Streptobacillus Strep·to·ba·cil·lus (strěp’tō-bə-sĭl’əs)
A genus of gram-negative, rod-shaped, often pathogenic bacteria that typically occurs in chains, including a species that causes a type of rat-bite fever.

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