verb (used with object), suckled, suckling.
to nurse at the breast or udder.
to nourish or bring up.
to put to suck.
verb (used without object), suckled, suckling.
to suck at the breast or udder.
to give (a baby or young animal) milk from the breast or (of a baby, etc) to suck milk from the breast
(transitive) to bring up; nurture
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suck someone in
- Suffices
verb (used without object), sufficed, sufficing. 1. to be enough or adequate, as for needs, purposes, etc. verb (used with object), sufficed, sufficing. 2. to be enough or adequate for; satisfy. verb 1. to be adequate or satisfactory for (something) 2. (takes a clause as object) suffice it to say that, let us say no […]
- Sufficiency
noun 1. the state or fact of being sufficient; adequacy. 2. a sufficient number or amount; enough. 3. adequate provision or supply, especially of wealth. noun (pl) -cies 1. the quality or condition of being sufficient 2. an adequate amount or quantity, as of income 3. (archaic) efficiency
- Sufficient
adjective 1. adequate for the purpose; enough: sufficient proof; sufficient protection. 2. Logic. (of a condition) such that its existence leads to the occurrence of a given event or the existence of a given thing. Compare necessary (def 4c). 3. Archaic. competent. adjective 1. enough to meet a need or purpose; adequate 2. (logic) (of […]
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sufficient condition definition In mathematics, a condition that must be satisfied for a statement to be true and without which the statement cannot be true. For example, although no one can run for president of the United States unless he or she is thirty-five or older, simply being thirty-five is not a sufficient condition to […]