kid or other leather finished with a soft, napped surface, on the flesh side or on the outer side after removal of a thin outer layer.
Also called suede cloth. a fabric with a napped surface suggesting this.
verb (used with object), sueded, sueding.
to treat so as to raise a nap on (leather, cloth, etc.).
verb (used without object), sueded, sueding.
to raise a nap on leather, cloth, etc.
a leather finished with a fine velvet-like nap, usually on the flesh side of the skin or hide, produced by abrasive action
(as modifier): a suede coat
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noun 1. kid or other leather finished with a soft, napped surface, on the flesh side or on the outer side after removal of a thin outer layer. 2. Also called suede cloth. a fabric with a napped surface suggesting this. verb (used with object), sueded, sueding. 3. to treat so as to raise a […]
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