(Southwest English, dialect) smooth
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verb (used with object), sued, suing. 1. to institute a process in law against; bring a civil action against: to sue someone for damages. 2. to woo or court. 3. Obsolete. to make petition or appeal to. verb (used without object), sued, suing. 4. to institute legal proceedings, or bring suit: She threatened to sue. […]
- Suess
Suess (zs) Austrian geologist who studied the evolution of the features of the Earth’s surface, particularly the formation of mountains. His concept of the early supercontinent Gondwanaland was a forerunner of modern theories of continental drift.
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noun 1. the hard fatty tissue about the loins and kidneys of beef, sheep, etc., used in cooking or processed to yield tallow. noun 1. a hard waxy fat around the kidneys and loins in sheep, cattle, etc, used in cooking and making tallow
- Suetonius
noun 1. (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus) a.d. 75–150, Roman historian. noun 1. full name Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus. 75–150 ad, Roman biographer and historian, whose chief works were Concerning Illustrious Men and The Lives of the Caesars (from Julius Caesar to Domitian)
- Suet-pudding
noun 1. a pudding made of chopped beef suet and flour, boiled or steamed in a cloth, often with other ingredients, as raisins, spices, etc. suet pudding noun 1. (Brit) any of a variety of sweet or savoury puddings made with suet and steamed or boiled