various cultivars of a beet, Beta vulgaris, of the amaranth family, having a white root, cultivated for the sugar it yields.
a variety of the plant Beta vulgaris that is cultivated for its white roots from which sugar is obtained Compare sugar cane
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- Sugarberry
noun, plural sugarberries. 1. a hackberry, Celtis laevigata, of the southern U.S.
- Sugarbird
noun 1. any of various honeycreepers that feed on nectar.
- Sugar-bowl
noun 1. a small bowl, usually having a cover, for serving granulated sugar or sugar cubes.
- Sugarbush
noun 1. an evergreen shrub, Rhus ovata, of the cashew family, native to the desert regions of the southwestern U.S., having light yellow flowers in short, dense spikes and hairy, dark-red fruit. 2. an orchard or grove of sugar maples.
- Sugar-camp
noun, Chiefly North Midland U.S., especially Indiana and Ohio. 1. a grove of sugar maples.