a city in and the capital of Abkhazia, in the NW Georgian Republic, on the Black Sea.
an autonomous republic in the Georgian Republic, on the E coast of the Black Sea. 3360 sq. mi. (8600 sq. km).
Capital: Sukhumi.
a port and resort in W Georgia, on the Black Sea: site of an ancient Greek colony. Pop: 134 000 (2005 est)
a disputed region of NW Georgia, between the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains: a subtropical region, with mountains rising over 3900 m (13 000 ft); Abkhazian separatists seized control of the region in 1993; Russia formally recognized it as an independent republic following the Russian-Georgian war of 2008, although Georgia still claims the region as part of its territory. Capital: Sukhumi. Pop: 220 600 (2006 est). Area: 8600 sq km (3320 sq miles) Also called Abkhaz Autonomous Republic
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