
a city in and the capital of Manitoba, in S Canada, on the Red River.
Lake, a lake in S Canada, in Manitoba. About 260 miles (420 km) long; about 9300 sq. mi. (24,085 sq. km).
a river in S Canada, flowing NW from the Lake of the Woods to Lake Winnipeg. About 200 miles (320 km) long.
a province in central Canada. 246,512 sq. mi. (638,466 sq. km).
Abbreviation: Man.
Capital: Winnipeg.
Lake, a lake in the S part of this province. 120 miles (195 km) long; 1817 sq. mi. (4705 sq. km).
a city in S Canada, capital of Manitoba at the confluence of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers: University of Manitoba (1877) and University of Winnipeg (1871). Pop: 626 685 (2001)
Lake Winnipeg, a lake in S Canada, in Manitoba: drains through the Nelson River into Hudson Bay. Area: 23 553 sq km (9094 sq miles)
a province of W Canada: consists of prairie in the southwest, with extensive forests in the north and tundra near Hudson Bay in the northeast. Capital: Winnipeg. Pop: 1 170 268 (2004 est). Area: 650 090 sq km (251 000 sq miles) MB
Lake Manitoba, a lake in W Canada, in S Manitoba: fed by the outflow from Lake Winnipegosis; drains into Lake Winnipeg. Area: 4706 sq km (1817 sq miles)

Winnipeg definition

Capital of Manitoba, Canada, and the largest city in the province, located in southern Manitoba.

Note: The largest city of Canada’s “prairie provinces” (Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan), Winnipeg is the center of their agricultural industry.

Note: It is known for its severe winters.

Manitoba definition

Province in central Canada, bordered to the north by the Northwest Territories, to the northeast by Hudson Bay, to the east by Ontario, to the south by Minnesota and North Dakota, and to the west by Saskatchewan. Winnipeg is the capital and largest city.

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